Tuesday, September 8, 2009

to all members,

this blog has been create to full fill our project SKPD 1033 in our course, as we already know we need to discuss the topic that has been choose.

h1n1, i think this topic is the best according to what has happen in our country. So we need to find out the detail about the story and friend please do not hesitate to write in this blog..

shamsul (G76395)


  1. Firstly, thank you very much for craeting this blog for our members to get in touch...and also to discuss and share knowledge on influenza H1N1...

    If need more informations, I suggest all of our member to follow this link..hope this may help

  2. thanks for the info, so rosdi i think we need to reconstruct our blog according to the topic, do you have any suggestion?

    we create the topic outline step by step from the definition to the conclusion what do you think, then we comment from the topic that has been posting.

    shamsul (G76395)

  3. I think we need to follow our 5 objectives and 5 research questions...this 5+5 will be our outline and we will discuss only within thats area...how do you think?

    As for your information, I already email our members including your self regarding that document....and if all of us satisfy with that draf then I will email to mada Azizah for conformation....

    Rosdi (G76390)

  4. i have received the email, personaly i agreed. i'll will post the main title followed our 5 objective and 5 research question. after this we only comment on that specific areas of the studies.

    shamsul (G76395)
