Wednesday, October 7, 2009

comment from madam azizah....

The topic is ok eventhough I mention that it should be a social issue.I would like that the issue of the attitudes of Malaysians towards the case to be added in the research.


as the result we need to discuss more on the social issue that related to the topic that we have choose. Meaning that how much information that our society knows about the disease. How the society react to the pendemic situation.

any suggestion how can we start it over.

shamsul (G76395)


  1. Hallo Sam. Mdm Azizah said "The topic is ok eventhough I mention that it should be a social issue.I would like that the issue of the attitudes of Malaysians towards the case to be added in the research"
    Pls Sam try to give me the example how to relate symptom H1N1 with attitudes of Malaysian. To me, that symptom is very comment and straight forward.

  2. From what I understand, our lecturer want us to discuss on how our community react to H1N1 do they response...the attitudes of our do they overcome or see this situation...

    From what I saw, some of our citizens dont take H1N1 as a serious situation...most of them do not wear a mask especially while attending a crowd place like supermarket, pasar malam and so on...and still bring their children under 12 years to visit hospital without good reason...

    And some of our people may be take this situation can be see when our country running out the stock of mask and the spiking price of mask. The hospital out patient deparment visiting is increase tremendously with patients...asking the screening for H1N1....

    The private sector supply free hand hygiene soap like at LRT station...

    What I can say is...there is two types of attitude among aour Malaysian
    1. Not really bother / care
    2. Take it seroiusly

    Any other comments???

  3. hi..

    i think we have answered all the objective and the question in this blog, but still we can't relate the issues about the social community.What about if we create a new topic in conclusion how the level of awareness among the society, any suggestion better than this please reply.

  4. we may have a bit of trouble in finding the reference from the book because the H1N1 is not the every day cases that happening in our world, what i mean it's rare. maybe some articles from the net will be helpful.

  5. we make this section to become the section of awareness among the society, what people should knows, what people should do and what is the solution to the community, in here we create our conclusion.

  6. among the question that frequently ask

    What can I do to stay healthy?

    You can prevent getting infected by avoiding close contact with people who show influenza-like symptoms (trying to maintain a distance of about 1 metre if possible) and taking the following pre-cautions:
    -Wash your hand often and vigoursly with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
    -Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it. Sneeze into the sleeve – Using your elbow is better than sneezing into the air if you do not find tissue.
    -Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
    -Try to avoid close contact with people who might be ill.
    -If you are sick with flu-like illness, stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever and symptoms are gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.) Keep away from others as much as possible to keep from making others sick.
    -Reduce the time spent in crowded settings if possible.
    -Improve airflow in your living space by opening windows

    this should be our attitude to create a healty society.

  7. Stay healthy with healthy habits

    Take care of your immune system and general health:

    -Get plenty of sleep
    -Be physically active
    -Manage your stress
    -Drink plenty of fluids
    -Eat nutritious food

  8. Hi!
    In my opinion, human attitude is one most important matter. Even if even various preventive steps has been adopted by party that but pendemik this still occur because of our attitude to H1N1 is perfunctorily only.

    What use expensive medicine which gave to patieAt a time now, there are still people does not wear mask when go to public area, night market and especially open space. They think by wearing mask will be troublesome, when fever, lazy wanted to see the doctor and consider ordinary fever only.nt if awareness level still low.Patient consider it given free without any payment. If felicitous patient buy that medicine by private, could be their will be more alert.

    Therefore as reminder to society, before it become serious. Wearing mask when go to the public area, avoid compact public place, drink warm water, pray five time and taking care of own cleanliness. (Mingguan Malaysia - Sunday 18 Oct)

  9. Hi..

    It is good idea to put this topic as a conclusion..but I think we still need to discuss it futher...try to get more idea and opinion....

    What I can say is:
    1. Is H1N1 something new and rarely heard?

    Could the 'H1N1' sounds too foreign to many among us Malaysians? Could many be confused by this term, making them to feel that the danger is far away?

    2. Or is it due to plain ignorance?

    The irony is that some Malaysians are taking light of the solution despite the daily alerts issued by the Malaysian health authorities.....

    When hospitals placed posters and banners reminding the public not to bring in small children for visits in the wards, many were found to have simply ignored that.

    Worse still, even the adults can be seen failing to cover their nose and mouth either with a handkerchief or tissue paper upon coughing and sneezing, despite their presence in the hospitals.


  10. Dear all,

    Do have more disucssion on the topic and then give the suggestions or recommendations on how to solve the problem. You all need to divide who is going to present which section for the oral presentation when we meet again on the 8 NOv.
    Pn Azizah

  11. My Suggestions and recommendations on how to create awareness among Malaysian towards the Influenza A H1N1.

    My opinion is:

    Slowing down the spread and reducing the number that will be affected early in the first wave may be achieved by implementation of:
    ● robust public health advice [e.g., stay at home if ill, or think you may be ill; wash hands frequently (particularly after contact with people who are ill, cover mouth and nose
    with a tissue while sneezing or coughing);avoid unnecessary travel; avoid crowds where possible.]
    ● treatment of those who are ill (with antiviral drugs within 24 to 48 hours of onset of symptoms)
    ● the use of face masks by medical staff in contact with infected people (to reduce
    droplet spread)
    ● travel advisories seeking to reduce international travel to or from affected
    ● areas voluntary home isolation of cases
    ● voluntary quarantine of contacts of known cases (with potential impacts on work teams
    if all contacts of a case in a work team are asked to remain in voluntary quarantine;
    staff rostering would be needed to minimise business impacts in these circumstances)
    ● additional measures at Malaysian ports, such as strengthening current port health arrangements
    ● robust additional public health advice to reduce non-essential travel and social/leisure
    ● advice on school closures (recognising the impact this will have on maintaining the
    workforce in other sectors).

    The Department of Health (Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia) should:

    ● co-ordinate the Malaysian health response
    ● procure appropriate antiviral drugs and develop strategies for their optimal use
    ● facilitate the development, manufacture and supply of an effective vaccine and
    develop strategies for its use
    ● lead work with the devolved administrations to secure consistent public health and
    health service responses across Malaysia
    ● lead the public health and health service responses
    ● provide information and input to other Government Departments and other services and
    organisations to assist them in their response arrangements, particularly those
    implementing control measures and for maintaining essential services
    ● provide information for the media and public.

  12. Practice personal hygiene:-

    Basic personal hygiene measures should be reinforced and all people young and old should be encouraged to practice them to minimise potential influenza transmission:
    • Cover nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing (preferably with a disposable single use tissue);
    • Immediately dispose of used tissues;
    • Adopt good handwashing / hand hygiene practices, particularly after coughing,
    sneezing or using tissues; and
    • Keep hands away from the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, and nose.

  13. Communicate hand and personal hygiene information:

    1.Hygiene notices should be posted in all workplace entrances, washrooms, hand washing stations and public areas

    2.Use brochures, newsletters, global emails, notice boards, and published information of the importance of hand hygiene and environmental cleaning during a pandemic.

  14. Workplace Cleaning:

    we will need to implement additional measures to minimise the transmission of the virus through environmental sources, particularly hard surfaces (e.g.sinks, handles, railings, objects and counters). Transmission from contaminated hard surfaces is unlikely but influenza viruses may live up to two days on such surfaces.

    Influenza viruses are inactivated by alcohol and by chlorine. Cleaning of environmental
    surfaces with a neutral detergent is recommended. Surfaces that are frequently touched with hands should be cleaned often, preferably daily.

    When a person with suspected influenza is identified and has left the workplace, it is
    important that their work area / office, along with any other known places they have been,
    are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Increase Social Distancing

    Another strategy to protect is minimising contact with others. Crowded places
    and large gatherings of people should be avoided, whether in internal or external spaces.
    A distance of at least one metre should be maintained between persons wherever practical. Larger distances are more effective.
    Visiting or other contact with unwell people should be avoided wherever practicable.

  17. In my opinion best way to prevent disease this is by giving awareness to people on H1N1 danger of disease and how to prevent him. "prevent better than medicated"
    For society on village, awareness of this danger of disease was low if compared to society in town. Due to this, parties which concerned should take pro move active to provide Another my opinion was how way intend to change atitiud society of H1N1 danger of disease. The matter not one easy thing yet essential acted. Crumb presumption society on this disease not to be sneezed at. Most importantly take care of health self and family including our environment. Respectively play this role so that disease does not spread with even more worse. awareness to society on village by giving general talks in schools, in surau-surau etc.

    Ok gang, my hope our group presentation will succeed later.



  18. to me the most important is hygiene. everything is about hygiene. eventhough we create a high end drugs and a way of treatment there still can be penetrate by the evolution of the virus. as a muslim we have been teach about hygienic as prophet Muhammad said hygienic is a half of the iman.
